Rice-Fish Exchange Scheme
The COVID-19 pandemic caused grave health concerns and negatively impacted growth from households to the global economy. People were out of employment and businesses closed due to the extensive COVID-curbing policies. “If people lacked monetary income, how could they still survive?” I thought, long and hard, “through bartering.” Dating back to 6000 BC, this traditional system of exchange revives economic activity without the exchange of cash.
Thus, I initiated the “Rice-Fish Exchange” barter community. With 20 initial members, I promoted the exchange of produces within the network, such as egg for corn, rice for vegetables, or fruit for fish. This created a strong sense of community among the group, and quickly expanded to various regions across the country. For instance, fisherman in the southern provinces can catch fish, while northeastern farmers grow rice and vegetables, but both lack direct distribution lines. Joining this exchange network has allowed for increased revenue stream and availability of food. This scheme is an economical way to promote food security and build sustainable food systems between different communities.